50% Riesling + 50% Pinot Gris, direct pressed and co-fermented in stainless steel with ambient yeast. I took a bucket of a previously fermenting pied de cuve and added some to this wine to kick off fermentation. The wine was then racked to neutral barriques where it went through secondary fermentation. Bottled unfined and unfiltered in May after an 8 month elevage. Since the Pinot Gris was ripe way before the Riesling, we decided to do a 50/50 coferment with the two varieties, the Pinot brings texture, phenolic ripeness, structure and power, whereas the Riesling brings freshness, electric acidity, and an electric mineral backbone that keeps everything propped right up. This wine will age beautifully up to 5 years or more.
Ursa Major 2022 "Sham Savere" Riesling/Pinot Gris
SKU: 375706
- 12 x 750 ml